Wednesday, November 04, 2015

4 November 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting No

4 November 2015 Dearborn County Redevelopment Meeting Notes

Present: Dave Deddens, Chairman, John Rahe, Jim Deaton.

Randy Lyness ( now IN State Rep) is no longer a member of the DCRC, but a new member has not been appointed yet. 

ABSENT, as usual:  Dusty Burress (non- voting school board member)

Also present: Terri Randall, county administrator and economic development director, Andrea Ewan, attorney, Sue Hayden, minute taker, Gayle Pennington, Auditor and DCRC treasurer.

Randy Maxwell was present at the Executive session only.


Verification of Information Discussed in Executive Session- The DCRC board verified that they only discussed material covered under the law. 

Action of Executive Session- To get approval to move forward with the confidential company in the West Harrison area. This is NOT Skally's- but a different company. Skally's will be discussed at the Nov 12 meeting.
Randall asked them to designate someone from the board to be present for the negotiations because she is going to need help. They approved Jim Deaton and John Rahe is alternate if needed. 

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- October 19th Minutes approved.Tabled as Deaton was not present at that meeting and only two members cannot approve.

Visioning grant claim for Aurora to be paid out of the $270,000 grant. This is from the Regional Economic Development fund from Lawrenceburg. The county is administering that. Each of the smaller communities were to do their visioning first and then draw that all together. Each city had funds earmarked. Up to $5,000 matching grant from OCRA for master planning. This invoice from Aurora for $4500 was approved. 
With the Skally’s project moving forward. Project moved closer to Hirlinger property. Looking to break ground near March 2016. All legal paperwork is being prepared and thru Barnes and Thornburg for the TIF bond. Have to get that done prior to the Plan Commission. 

Randall needs the DCRC to meet November 12th still to work on several items before then. Meeting 9 AM. 

Randall answered Deddens question about the TIF- Umbaugh recommended starting over due to how the TIF is tracked. REDI meeting to be attended by Deddens and Deaton. 

The board extended congratulations to Gayle Pennington on Auditor’s award.


Christine Brauer Mueller

Lawrenceburg Township

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