Monday, March 11, 2013


Local Tea Party- We the Hoosiers hosts speaker Michael Maharrey. He is from Lexington, KY and part of the 'think tank' of the

We the Hoosiers invite you to join us as we try to educate ourselves and others concerning important life issues which will have such lasting effects on not only ourselves, but our children and grandchildren. We the people can make a difference – but we must let ourselves be heard! Learn about your rights as a citizen of your state!

The topic for the We the Hoosiers meeting Thursday, March 14, (from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the meeting room of the Lawrenceburg Firehouse on Tate Street.) is ‘Nullification.’
We are pleased to welcome special speaker Michael Maharrey, author of OUR LAST HOPE: Rediscovering the lost path to liberty. He is also the national communications director for the

He explains the history of the forming of the federal government versus the state government. He attempts to instill hope in each of us as he encourages us to voice our rights as citizens of our state. We do have power!

‘Nullification’ is any act, or sets of actions, taken by a state legislature that find a federal act  unconstitutional, and render it null, void or simply inoperable in that state. The people of the state have the right through ‘Nullification’ to say ‘NO’ to the federal government!

The meeting is open to the public.

We hope you will join us.

submitted by Kathy Jacobsen
Lawrenceburg Township

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